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Walter 9000, Gun WIP

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ominousc node
Hey guys, just finished making my model. Still trying to get the high rez done but wanted to see if my geometry is correct and if there's any way I can make it better. Thanks! I plan on doing most of the surface level detail in Substance painter as well. I think it would save me a lot of time doing things like the hole on the back of the gun in substance rather than modeling it in Maya.



  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The hole in the back of the gun should 100% be modeled. The player will be looking at the back of the gun during gameplay. Also, the hole is too deep and large to be a normal map.
  • JfourArt
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    JfourArt polycounter lvl 2
    Hey Ominousc, looking great so far! You've got a lot of really nice detail here, and you've maintained the look of the gun incredibly well.

    However, I'm going to have to agree with Ashervisalis on modeling the hole in the back of the gun, although I would say for a lot of the other, smaller holes along the gun, as well as for the text, adding normal map detail in Substance Painter is probably the way to go.

    You haven't described how you're going to make the high poly and smooth it out, so I'll assume, based on your interest in getting the geometry right, some variant of a subdivision/holding edge/creased edge/beveled edge sort of workflow (please correct me if I'm wrong!) In that case, it seems you have a number of areas that may not smooth particularly well.

    The easiest to point out is probably this hole, above. I'd imagine that, at a minimum, you'd want a cut around this hole (as drawn), in order to maintain the outer shape during subdivision, as well as to isolate it from the pinching that the surrounding geometry is going to cause. Best case scenario is to avoid that geometry cutting in the way it is, although that's not always possible.

    A similar story here, without some geometry to hold that indentation (or an edge crease, if that's your thing), you're going to lose all of the nice definition you have, and likely get pinching (particularly near the bottom). The holding edge will at least minimize any pinching. There's also 2 other things to take note of here. One is what appears to be the accidental random face that's been circled. The other is the n-gons that are present in the circled areas and also immediately to the left. I'm not overly knowledgeable on the useful application of n-gons, although it's generally best to avoid them unless you are.

    Overall, great work. I'd love to see this come out as well-made and polished as possible, so keep it up! Here's a few references that I visit constantly when doing high poly modeling.

  • ominousc
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    ominousc node
    Hey JfourArt, 

                              Yeah, I wanted to make a lot of edge loops and creases to help me pull off the high rez. And now thinking about it, yeah I would need to model in that hole because of how close the player is going to be in front of the gun. I'll try and see what I can do to clean up my geometry more and update as I progress with this model. Thanks for the feedback!
  • ominousc
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    ominousc node
    So, I made the low res, high res and baked the normals into it. Just wanted to know what you guys thought of it and where do I need to improve.


    Thanks, Christian.
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    Hi, my feedback would be that the pistol grip can use some more attention, some areas seem off.

  • mayash33
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    mayash33 node

    Dude, great links.

    Yeah making good support edge loops can be a pain. I'd make critiques, but I think the other people in the thread have said everything I would've said. Other than that, I think you got the overall silhouette of the P99 down. Your trigger guard looks pretty good. You should model the barrel, like actually make it hollow, and give it rifling, it wouldn't take you too long, and it would give a nice touch to the overall look. Also might wanna fix the triangles on the ejection port, and that big giant one on top of the serrations... even as an unsmoothed model, you can already tell it'll look funky when rendered. You're pretty much done though, and these things wouldn't take long to fix.

  • ominousc
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    ominousc node
    Alright lads,

    I finished cleaning up my geometry. Now I've done a lot of texturing onto this model and was wondering what you guys thought. I'm trying to make it look like the grip is really worn out but the head of the gun isn't. I'm not sure if that's a good way to texture this but I do like how it looks. 

    Thanks, Christian.

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