I have been using SD for a long time so this isnt a begineer question, for this example I've used a blender square to explain my question.
If you look at the image you will see what Im looking for, ideally a node, which will apply dirt, lower to the ground= more dirt, higher from the ground=less dirt. I assume some sort of position map/world space normal thing would be necessary, however I can't find a node which quite does it.
the dirt gradient sort of sums up the type of image I'd like to see on each face, however I would also like the textures to be seamless, so I assume I should also use a triplanular node?
any advice would be welcome.
In the position maps they'll be simple gradients, the wsn map is what direction each pixel is facing in.
You can work out what they do by simply viewing each channel separately on your model.