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Creature - The Fortune Teller

polycounter lvl 7
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paulhpaulino polycounter lvl 7

Hi, Polycount!

I would like to share with you my latest texture/lookdev speed project.

More images and TT: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lBXkk

"The Fortune Teller" is a concept sculpt created by the talented Marcin Klickihttps://www.artstation.com/klicek, who provided the model online for free on his Gumroad account.


I downloaded Marcin sculpt and decided to work on its UVs, textures, and lookdev in a short period of time (2 days maximum) just so I could develop my organic skills and, at the same time, learn how to finish a project without waiting it to be "perfect."

It was a great challenge to finish it in a such a short period of time, and I'm glad I could call it "finished" and not "perfect".

"The Fortune Teller" was done using Mari, Substance Painter, Vray and Nuke

I also used the amazing Texturingxyz skin and leather texture packs.

For more info and images, check my Artstation page: www.artstation.com/paulhpaulino


  • Michalo
    Offline / Send Message
    Michalo polycounter lvl 2
    He looks very cool. I like the mix of collors here and his blind eyes. I think you done really good here
  • Lurcisia
    Offline / Send Message
    Lurcisia greentooth
    Incredible work on the texturing! The skin looks very believable.
    I was wondering if you had a specific process for the eyes, as they definitely draw in the most attention for me.
  • paulhpaulino
    Offline / Send Message
    paulhpaulino polycounter lvl 7
    Michalo said:
    He looks very cool. I like the mix of collors here and his blind eyes. I think you done really good here
    Thanks Michalo!

    Lurcisia said:
    Incredible work on the texturing! The skin looks very believable.
    I was wondering if you had a specific process for the eyes, as they definitely draw in the most attention for me.
    Thanks Lurcisia!

    Since the model didn't have a separated geo for the eyes, I had to solve the problem with textures, by making that area with more SSS and also with a higher gloss value than the rest of the body. That's why it got a watery look :D

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