Hi everyone!
I decided to update my portfolio and model a sci fi smg. The weapon is almost entirely based on a concept by Kris Thalers MK11
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nObXE. I changed some parts and added flip up sights to the weapon that I designed myself.
Just finished the high poly model but I am thinking about designing a red dot sight for it. Next steps will be low poly then UVs bakes and textures.
Feedback and critique is welcome

Renders where quickly made in keyshot I still have to learn how to render properly.
For the artifacting
Those two lines, may be shadows now that I look at it though.
I do feel like the striping on the stock will reinforce the silhouette that many of the other elements have, such as the ribbing on the handle and silencer, the rails on top, as well as the ridge in the grip.
It is still an excellent model, I just don't know how stylized your aiming considering you've nailed the shape and style of the concept and added some more realistic elements such as the better iron sights.
Feedback and critiques are welcome!
The stuff with weird wires was made with the zbrush boolean technique
Are you going to rough it up with the textures or are you going for a clean metallic look?
Excited to see how the painter works turns out!
Some feedback would be great since texturing is one of my weakest sides.
Try to break up the edge wear, currently it looks like a procedural substance mask.
Simply put a paint layer on top of the mask and start to overpaint the mask. Think of how this weapon is carried, where does it have contact with other things, where can some wear appear (and where not).
Also think of the direction of the wear etc.
Another nice trick is to add some roughness only wear/damage/dirt (e.g. finger prints, color damage etc.)
It's not visible on the first look, but if the light is moving across the surface these little details really make the texture "pop".
TL;DR These are not final renders.
Also try more large scale wear and variation in the textures. The rougher materials should also be rougher