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[Hard surface retopologize] what's your hardsurface retopology workflow?

polycounter lvl 5
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Apoolloo polycounter lvl 5
I used to model in CAD softwares (Rhino&fusion360) and I'm new to learn poly modeling .
I 've noticed that there is a workflow that uses dynamesh the cad model to high poly model then bake it to the low poly model.
But how do you guys make the low poly based on a high poly model?(especially hardsurface stuff like guns or other props.)
I know some basic knowledge about retopology (I use maya quaddraw tool) but it seems like more about organic stuff.I mean this way it's hard to make those faces planar and keep vertexes align.
So my question is how you guys retopo  hard surface stuff? (for example a gun?)


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    I don't. It's a much better workflow(imo) to build the asset as a simultaneous low/high using traditional polymodeling.

    I have built HS assets using CAD or Zbrush and retop as a workflow test, but it had zero benefits over my usual method. If you do really want to go down this road then you would just use standard retop workflow, but also make use of primitives wherever you can and just 'frankenstein' them into your retop.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    ^ +1 for that.

    The low poly hard surface mesh can be done by simply removing the subdivision modifier and removing the support loops or bevels. Or even better, make the parts without the supportloops first, duplicate it, add the support loops and keep the another one as the lowpoly. Much faster.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Obscura said:
    Or even better, make the parts without the supportloops first, duplicate it, add the support loops and keep the another one as the lowpoly. Much faster.
    Yeah, this is how I do it. Create the low poly with smoothing groups set up. Clone it(with needed edgeflow editing/loops and use the chamfer+turbosmooth mods for the highpoly. The odd time I might shoot the high to Zbrush/dynamesh if I'm having issues, or even if I want to add any sculpt specific details(which I don't do much of any more as I can do it mostly in S Painter)
  • Mink
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    Mink polycounter lvl 6
    I use blender and hardops for my hardsurface modeling and I never even bother with subdivision subsurface modeling. I simply Boolean/polymodel my low poly, and my highpoly is simply my low poly with bevels and all sorts of smaller details. No retopology required.
  • Apoolloo
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    Apoolloo polycounter lvl 5
    I don't. It's a much better workflow(imo) to build the asset as a simultaneous low/high using traditional polymodeling.

    I have built HS assets using CAD or Zbrush and retop as a workflow test, but it had zero benefits over my usual method. If you do really want to go down this road then you would just use standard retop workflow, but also make use of primitives wherever you can and just 'frankenstein' them into your retop.
    Thanks for your reply!
    It seem like the traditional way is much faster .
    Maybe I should try to get more used to polygonal modeling.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Apoolloo said:
    Maybe I should try to get more used to polygonal modeling.
    Good decision, sir. ;) It's pretty essential if you want to create production assets.
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