Started working on this animation and have been spending all my free time on it. I have not animated the hair, clothing, and tail of the character yet, I want to get the body movements and poses down perfect before I start messing around with that. Any feedback is appreciated.
Cool animation. Some pretty cool poses.
One thing I would say is overall, the COG feels stiff. It hits a wall and loses all it's momentum. Especially for a drunk person, they wouldn't be in full control of their movements. Maybe that's why this doesn't read as being drunk overall.
Take f155, he snaps into this pose but his COG is completely still. It needs to overshoot and settle, it needs to be constantly moving, even if it's a little. Especially again, for a drunk person if you're still going for it.
Loosen up that COG, don't worry about anything else.
I'll leave the link to my reference below. It's a 4 min clip but you only need to watch about the first 20 seconds since that is the part that my animation is based on.
In the reference, it goes into that pose, cog overshoots a little and then slightly drops. After it drops, then the whole body tilts to screen right a little and keeps on going. A moving hold, then that carries into the next motion. So the COG has weight in the ref.
Even at 22sec, it does hold relatively still at the end, but before it settles into that pose, you can clearly see an overshoot and a settle before the last settle. It might be hard to see it without framing through but you can definitely feel it. It probably happens over 4-6 frames. But it's there.
There is a lot of very complex stuff going on, especially in these sorts of motions. You can really go down the rabbit hole with this. If you provide a syncsketch link for the ref, it might be clearer.