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Junkrat's RV - Overwatch fan art

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Kumator interpolator
Started this project recently and thought I'd create a thread for it here.

It's based on an Overwatch concept art for Junkertown made by the awesome Oscar Cafaro, check his Artstation!

The objective is to make the RV and some assets around in the Overwatch style.
Here's the high poly for now :smile:

C&C welcome!


  • Twenty Four
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    Twenty Four polycounter lvl 11
    I like the Winnebago Inspiration. The wheels doesn't feel too much like Junkrat. Maybe the material can help?
  • Kumator
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    Kumator interpolator
    @Twenty Four Thanks! Yeah you're right :) I remade them with a heavier look and they feel more junkertown now!

    Here's some progress with the low poly and baking, I'll post update on the texturing as I move forward. 

    Thanks for checking :)

  • Kumator
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    Kumator interpolator
    Progress on the texture :) 
    I'm not entirely sure about the color scheme yet and there's still many details I want to bring into the texture but I'm quite happy with the result so far! 

  • Borgleader
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    Borgleader polycounter lvl 6
    Love the idea, but I can't help but feel like this isn't dirty/scrappy enough for Junkrat :D And by that I mean, I feel like Junkrat's RV probably suffers from explosions/fire damage on a daily basis so I would expect a lot more scorch marks, dents and ad hoc repairs (duct tape/random metal plates/mismatched parts/...). Color scheme seems to fit with the rest of Junkertown. 

    Anyway, favorited, cant wait for future updates!
  • Kumator
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    Kumator interpolator
    @Borgleader Thanks for you feedback it's very useful! I added some damage/dirt around, there's still some to add but it's better :)

    Quick update on the texture!

  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Hey @Kumator
    It's looking nice, but I still believe you should push the damage. It doesn't feel like this junk rv is in disrepair. I'd like to see the actual geo messed up. There are too many straight contours, things should be broken. For example, the bumper could be falling off/broken. The ladder could be leaning to one side and bent. the wheels could be off kilter, headlights dangling down.

    Hopefully you push it some more, It looks good now. Just not junky enough
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    very nice! I like the colour tones! the cracked glass window in the front doesnt really read like cracked glass, real cracked glass often gets brighter in the cracks and not darker. I would either remove that effect and just make the windows look a bit dirty like wiper blades have been struggling to clear the visibility or really research cracked glass some more and see if something can be done. I think you could amp up your main light a bit, overwatch is quite bright and saturated and although your colours are strong they could pop more with stronger lighting.
  • Vexod14
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    Vexod14 polycounter
    Maybe add some "killed grass/insects leaks" and mud on the lower part of the vehicle ( don't know how to explain this kind of dirty surface ). The model looks really nice and remembers well the junkrat's colorsheme =) Keep up the good work !
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    This is looking great so far! :) Just in case you'd care about some feedback:

    - I would go back to the AO and make sure to either bake or hand paint a better "contact AO" between elements. Beside the wheels that might move, you can add a lot more ambient occlusion pretty much everywhere. It will help "ground" the vehicle and make it more interesting. It's easy to overlook how important AO is on a model and rely on weathering to counter that "the textures look flat" feeling. 

    - I think that the overall model could use a stronger top to bottom Hue gradient. Having the top uniformly brighter in hue and the bottom more saturated and darker (within PBR standards) will help for the big overall read. 

    - The glass could use some work to really look like glass (more reflective and I would get rid of the concavity/convexity map on the crack)

    - To make the overall prop more interesting, I would personally try to separate your materials a bit more. I like to contrast matte and reflective material that are sitting next to each other. In your case, it would mean boosting the smoothness of the metals and reducing the spectacular on the orange part. You can always rely on your stylized weathering to add some material variation back.  

    Hope it helps! :)

  • Kumator
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    Kumator interpolator
    Thanks for all your feedback, it's really encouraging!

    @bkost Make sense, I moved some parts around and might add more later on.
    @Ged Good shout, I changed the color and remove the volume on the cracks, it felt unnatural.
    @Vexod14 That crossed my mind as well, I'll try :)
    Thanks so much @Renaud Galand , it's awesome to receive a feedback from you. It definitely improved the quality and the readability, will keep all that in mind for future assets.

    Update taking these feedback into consideration, I'll move on the rest of the scene now.

  • Crazy_pixel
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    Crazy_pixel interpolator
    Awesome :smile:

    Do you work with tileable textures for the different materials?
  • rohMizuno
    ooh very nice, I think you are nailing the style. But I will have to second what some people commented above, the RV does not really tells you it belongs to junkrat, it is definitely a good looking junktown one, but if it was not for the title, I would not be able to tell you who it belongs to. Might be a good idea to study his design a little bit, try to add some of those aspects to the car? (I lot easier said than done, I know)
    It is looking lovely anyway :)
  • WilliamB_Art
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    WilliamB_Art triangle
    Really cool piece mate! Love the cartoony shapes and the hand painted textutes!
  • Kumator
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    Kumator interpolator
    @Crazy_pixel Thanks! No I'm using two unique textures.
    @rohMizuno Thanks, yeah I see what you mean, I added a spray to help that.
    @WilliamB_Art Cheers :)

    Probably the last update, I'll post the final shots with a breakdown soon!

  • 3dGamePassion
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    3dGamePassion polycounter lvl 4
    Awesome piece for the look and feel your are going for you hit the head on the mark. I only thing I have to say is maybe darken edges to make it pop more, it looks to faded to me. 
  • Kumator
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    Kumator interpolator
    @3dGamePassion Thanks :)

    Finally decided to call this one done, that was a fun ride! 
    Thanks everyone for your feedback, it was a huge help. Hope you like the final result :)
    Viewer : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eE9oY

  • Carabiner
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    Carabiner greentooth
    Nice presentation!
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