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Looking for some feedback!

polycounter lvl 2
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moutoun polycounter lvl 2
Hello! currently trying to find a entry job in the video game industry... all the jobs ads in my area are looking for people that already delivery a AAA game.. should send my portfolio still?...  So here my portfolio, what i need to remove, what i need to add (gun etc..) thanks for your feedback!



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    What's the job title you want to get for your first job?
  • moutoun
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    moutoun polycounter lvl 2
    Anything, except Video Games Tester! :) but prop artist or environment is my end goal
  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    If you're going for props/environments its probably best to get rid of character stuff and focus on making a few really solid environments or props. 

    I think people general advice is to focus on either stylised or realistic, so focus your artstyle on the kind of studios you want to work for. For example, if your goal is to work on Battlefield games, it would be best to have something realistic that fits the kind of environments they work on. If you're looking to work on a World of warcraft style game, focus on hand painted. 


    Im not sure what its going to be used for so I can't crit too much, however it looks like a good start. You have a ton of wasted polys that really aren't needed though. The green lines are an example of how I'd cut down on those side polys. The bottom sections in red can pretty much all be removed except the main silhouette edges. You can pretty much make those sides into just 1 big face, with a couple vertical loops separating it to reduce the long thin triangles you'd get on the bevels. 

    I probably explained that terribly so here's a picture: (without the top section, but I drew out most of that)

    If you're planning to vertex paint you can easily add an extra horizontal loop.
    In general, if something isn't necessary for the silhouette, delete it or weld it down. Just try and make sure you don't have too many really long and thin triangles. 

    Bar scene:

    It's a nice start, it needs some updating though. The props are nice but the room is a bit plain. The lighting could do with some work, it feels a bit flat imo. You have some cool lighting going on with the sign, but its a bit odd having those cup stains glowing pink. 

    Not sure if adding some smaller reflection captures to the table would fix it, worth giving it a try to get more accurate reflections there. You have some of that pink light coming onto the table, it would be cool to see some highlights on the bottles. Also it would be cool to have some light coming through the parts of the bottle wheres the beers been drunk down. 
    It would be nice to see some little additions like the bottle caps sitting on the table, maybe some knives and forks on the plates, menus and stuff, things that make it feel like its being used. 
    It might be nice to have some glowing and embers and smoke coming from the cigarette. 

    In the lamp shades it would be good to have some stronger lights effecting the inside faces, at the moment it doesn't really feel like a brightly lit bulb is sitting inside. You can do it pretty easily with an emmissive on the bulb or just a point light inside. 
  • moutoun
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    moutoun polycounter lvl 2
    Really want to find something soon.. Every Job I apply are looking for 3-5 year of experience in a AAA company or at least released a AAA game title... I dont know what to do now, Trying something different? Lighting Artist? What are the best entry job... 3D Artist look hard to find a job after almost 1.5 years.. Thanks!
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    There's been  no freelance contracts inbetween that have  happened for you?
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