Hi, first of all , I do not want to transfer details to a extremely lowpoly mesh... (because I do not to finish my model... I just want to transfer details to another mesh just to reduce the amount of polygons and continue sculpting) . For continue Scultping....
I am on subdivision number 6 , near 40 millions of poligons.
in other words , I just want to keep my quads flow ( that's the reason I did not decimated it with master tool, I am trying to force me to not use decimation master ) I just want to learn the goal or the workflow to reduce the polycount to transfer details to my mesh , to continue sculpting the detail process .
I ve found information in youtbe about z-remesher and the "project all" tools.... should I combine these tools ? , however I do not find a specific rule for zremesher ? to keep details ? (my mesh has 6 level of subdivision) ... if I am going to use "z-remesher" for a copy of my mesh... should I retain at least "X" amount of geometry to keep the details ? .
if my mesh is around 6 levels, the "low" mesh (let's say) would be around 3 levels or 4 to get clean results ( project all) ?
the goal is to keep scultping details with less geo.
But, larger scope, it may be worthwhile to set Zbrush aside for a bit and learn how to build base models without any high-poly sculpting, as once you understand this foundation you won't have any trouble understanding what Zremesher is for or how subdivision levels work.
Retopologizing will be more work but will give you more efficient control of your density and cleaner loops/quads. Then import it in as a subtool and do the project all process through all the subdivision levels. You can probably use it for the low poly model as well (or at least a starting point).
I ve made the step with more density mesh (not lowpoly at all) , I ve created a copy of the higher mesh .... (a temporally Low subdivision mesh to project details ) , this current mesh , make z-remesher with "keep groups" and then project, up the level of subdivision , and start project again , in every step (3 o 4 passes...) , subdivide - proyect all , subdivide again proyect all.... is useful... I earn near 100 to 200 k ... I would like to earn more polys...but in the other case I ve experimented...if for example I knocked down the level of subdivision, the details are not good, so is not the best way..but you can save 100 k for level of subdivision and clean topology with quads ,and keep the polygroups too.
Depending on what you're doing, there might be better ways to handle the geometry. For example, lets say you've subdivided a full-body human base mesh to 40 million points and are running out of geometry when trying to sculpt more detail into the head. If there are larger parts of the body that aren't exposed (such as if they are covered by clothes, armor, etc), then you'll see a benefit to altering the base level to split off, delete, or alter those hidden parts to significantly reduce the polygons they have at the base level. Then when you subdivide the head to 40 million, it will have more geometry for you to work with than if the entire body was at 40 million.