I made some custom nodes for Substance designer that allows the user to control color and grayscale values and gradient angle as well as examples.
Its $10 on gumroad (discount code : discount50 for 50% off) : and a small free version (only includes color and grayscale) on Substance share (pending approval)
ah it seems you can get a similar result using the "Flood fill Mapper" node which allows for a custom pattern input (sphere). Sadly it does not give as good an effect as these nodes but its close.
how robin hood of you thanks! I was interested in the others as well, but from what is visible there you can achieve the same results with the native ff>color node - just not the radial gradient one. This would be pretty cool as well. So I'm gonna make this a bump
Sorry, wasn't really on this site for a long time. Here's the node. I took it down because shortly after I released it, Substance released their official version.
Sadly it does not give as good an effect as these nodes but its close.