I have Maya LT 2018.3 and Unreal Engine 4.19. I have a skeletal mesh character with a base mesh and 4 LOD. They are all skinned to same skeleton and control rig. I exported using FBX 2016/2017 inside of Game Exporter in Maya LT. When I import to UE4, I checked "Import LODs" and the base mesh looks great with the material applied (2 materials, one for body and one for the head). However, when I zoom away from the model and it changes to LOD 01+, the material on the mesh changes to a distorted issue and I also check the UVs on the LOD 01+ meshes don't have the UV imported but it shows up in Maya in the UV editor. I tried importing to Blender and Unity. They still retain the UVs for the LOD meshes. I don't know what am I doing wrong. I even tried a different UE4 version and also tried importing the fbx file to a new maya scene and it works fine and looks great.