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Artstation Pro Yay or Nay?

polycounter lvl 5
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KrissyH polycounter lvl 5
I use artstation to post all my artwork, I had Pro last year but I found it wasn't worth the money. Now they are adding all these new features like blogging and a marketplace and will soon raise the price. I am currently looking for work and hope to soon have some models and prints to sell. Should I pay for pro now before the price goes up? Does anyone think their marketplace will be successful? I'm really on the fence about this. If it helps here is my current artstation site (not pro) krissy-harling.artstation.com


  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Why do you think Pro isn't worth the money?  If you look at hosting costs alone, its worth it and you pretty much get unlimited storage.  For a good host, you will spend MUCH more.  Plus you get all the additional features that artstation offers.  Their website builder isn't completely customizable but it's incredible clean and easy.
  • KrissyH
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    KrissyH polycounter lvl 5
    That's very true. I didn't think it was worth the money last year because it seemed like all I could do was change the site template, and I was fine with the basic one at the time. So when compared to free it didn't seem worth it. 
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I'm with Slosh; In return for cutting out the pure freedom an artist has no use for compared to normal site hosting, you get vastly reduced costs and extremely easy set up.
    It costs about 1/3rd what my old hosting did, and I don't have to mess with a bunch of coding and templates to get it to look good and do what I need.
  • KrissyH
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    KrissyH polycounter lvl 5
    These are great points I'm definitely more encouraged to get Pro again. The price goes up on July 2nd.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Having the larger marmoset viewer file size limit is a big plus of a pro account.
    Wish it was larger!
  • JunkieKong
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    JunkieKong interpolator
    I used to have a site with Squarespace for my portfolio, but Artstation Pro was just so much better value and easier that I made the change and haven't looked back. I haven't even used most of the Pro features besides the site builder, but I definitely would recommend it if you want one portfolio service to rule them all.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    Besides the option for bigger marmorset files I also prefer the cleaner and simpler options from the site builder.
  • KrissyH
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    KrissyH polycounter lvl 5
    I did end up getting Pro right before the price went up. The downside was I forgot they bill in USD even though they are based in Canada. So after conversion and taxes it cost me about $116 CAD but I'm glad I did it now and not after the price went up. Now I'm just trying to get approved to sell in their marketplace.
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