Hello everyone,
Being a big fan of the Gears of War, I decided to make a Diorama of a Stranded's Shelter that took a place in the Gears of Wars universe. I picked Paulina Sajniak's concept art because it looks very similar to the gears of war's style plus it reminded me of some maps in GOW 1-4 including Drydock map. The little thing that looks odd to me is the half of the car on the top of the container because it seems sorta impossible for stranded people to lift the car onto the top of it while staying quiet to stay safe from Locust. Unless all of you think I should make a half car to put it on the top of it?
I also want to make the diorama that has a similar style of Scott Homer's Stately Home Diorama because I absolutely love the way he creates the lighting around his diorama environment.
Right now, I completed the block-out scene in UE4. Most of the props will be made with face weighted normal except few props with high poly to low poly workflows. Next step I will be doing is to make textures for shipping containers.
Any critiques would be very appreciated!
Concept Art by Paulina Sajniak (bottom right):

My block-out scene:

The texture of Shipping Container( work in progress) :

Update: I created the texture of the shipping container in substance painter and set it up in UE4. I most likely will come back to make some little change or add details with a decal on the shipping container.
Any feedback would be much appreciated
Next thing I will be doing is to make the texture of the ground with some broken pieces shattering around the diorama.
Any C&C or feedback would be much appreciated
Here are some changes I made:
I changed the color of the wood boards by decreasing the saturation to make the wood boards appear old and worn out.
I used Zbrush to sculpt the ground then textured it in substance painter. I'm planning to add the dirt below the shipping container by placing the decal on the ground.
Next thing I will be doing is to make several broken concrete bricks to place those around the diorama. And I will be texturing the lanterns.
Cheers, everyone!
Here is the update on my project:
I created several rocks in Zbrush and textured it in the substance painter. I placed the rocks around the diorama to make it looks like the land was broken into pieces.
I added the decal of dirt on the ground around the shipping container.
Any critiques will be great. I want to make sure if I'm going in right way. Do you think I should remove the rocks that surround the land?
Cheers, everyone
I created the daylight and I'm deciding which one I should use. Which lighting of the environment do you like the best?
The woods' textures were changed because I didn't really like the way it looks before. I want the wood boards to be rough and less saturated due to the outcome of the Gears of War battles.
I created the sandbags', barrel's, and chair's textures in the substance painter. Things were moved differently in this section of the diorama to improve the composition, I hope.
I'm thinking about making some weapons like Snub or boltok pistol to place it on the chair. Next thing for me to do is to make the texture for the ammo crate.
I also made the ammo crate's texture which was a lot of fun to make! I used Andrew Porter's concept art for reference( https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4NYAl )
I will be adding a lot more small props to fill the space around the chairs. Snub pistol is most likely I will be making next which will be very challenging since I never made a weapon before.
The idea of adding the Kryll Grill sign is inspired by Adam Baines' concept art for Gears of War Ulitmate Edition Act Two.
I created then added the bunch of the small props(cans, leaves, etc) to the scene.
Next thing I will be doing is to create the solar panel, and images of letters and people(Decals).
I made several changes to my diorama with some set dressing props. I also created the solar panel, cog tag, grass, posters, GOW logo on the wall, and etc. The diorama is pretty much almost done. I'm planning to make a few more props including the fuse box on the pole.
The video was added below that showed how the environment looks like with 3rd person player which I hope I make it feel similar to the Gears of War style.
Feel free if you have any idea of what I should add to my diorama.
Edit: I gotta figure it out how to fix the video quality in OBS studio since it was pretty low. Sorry for the little blurry video quality.
Right now, the project is pretty much 95% finished and I'm pretty happy how it turned out so far.
I added a few things especially the fuse box and torn fabric on the top. I decided to have two different lighting scene while one is at nighttime and the other is in the daytime.
Before I call it done, is there any C&C on anything that I should fix or something?
Thank you all of you who commented and upvote throughout the progress!
Fun work overall, Thank you for sharing and I'm excited to see more from you.
Thank you! I see what you're talking about and I now noticed how it does seem too clean and tiled. So I made the changes to the woods' and doors' textures by adding more dirt and stains to it that fit the condition of the environment. I'm not sure how to push it further but I'm liking how it looks much better.
Hope this is the improvement that you want to see.
Also keep in mind my feedback is getting "into the weeds"; meaning I'm really just nitpicking at this point. Nice work , thanks for sharing the updates.
Thank you so much for your feedback which I appreciated it a lot. I just learned something new and I definitely need to learn more about it in order to improve my skills in texturing.