Hi guys.
I'm having a bit of trouble with animating these characters for a game I'm working on.
I opened these files for the first time in months and for some reason the values for my Ik/control points in Maya's channel box all have blue beside them to indicate they're constrained. They weren't like this before and I really need them to go back. It makes it impossible for me to copy and paste values from say, one arm to another. I also can't animate a single attribute if I want to.
Here's a screenshot:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
- hayden.
Use the node editor instead, select your shoulder control and graph the connections there, the hypergraph will more of a nightmare to sort through. You may also be able to right click on the translate/rotate fields in the channel box and do Select Connection, but I suspect you'll land on one of those pairBlend nodes. You should be seeing some constraints in the outliner.
FWIW, i'm looking at a mostly default HIK setup right now and those aren't present.