Hi, sorry for the weird question , but I was wondering if it would be an unnecesary map for this shader? (mobile ) for mobile devices....
I mean , there are many ways to create normal mapping ( with zbrush, auto-desk, blender , substance painter, designer, Xnormal ) .
the mobile shader supports two maps, diffuse map and normal map. If I do not want to use a normal map what happen?, however Unity can read even a purple map or a flat normal map ... does it need something to read?? I think ... but in the logical way! you must put something in the unity's normal map slot...
I ve read in another forums , etc, that mobile devices or at least a rich amount of them , does not support normal mapping.... however I am working on 2 projects with some guys and create and app (offline) with normal map and it is ok... not the best performance, but it is ok , can handle.... for the other hand , I decided to not use it , for testing purpose and try to define better looking , it is the same , I earn some batches , drawcallings ,etc. base color or diffuse map is boring , lighting environment helps...helps too much...
at the end of the day , I need to fill the shader with a normal map... as an extra question , any data about mobile's devices list which can handle with ? for example sansum devices.
has any reason to use normal mapping in a texture atlasing ? where all the uv's assets are compacted?
thx to answer this rare questions.
Normal maps do add detailed shading on mobile. But every bitmap has a memory cost. If you're not using it effectively, best to omit it.
Normal maps can help improve how a model reacts to lighting, but only if there's lighting there to react to. It can also help if you have reflections.
But I've worked on games that do it all in the color map, where a normal map would be a waste.
Certainly, adding a flat colored normal map is a huge waste. Better to leave it empty.
any trick about Rastering ? I noticed if I am using "flat colors" when I zoom the camera in my games , too close, the flat colors is cooler than a simple diffuse...
can you recommend me any trick abou ti ? I will ilustrate my problem with 2 pictures (one is better I think ) and the other is not good (but I think is proper situation of the rastering process..
textures similar to real word (from cgtextures, or pbr workflows, or hand painting ) tends to be rasterized or suffer pixelated process when I put zoom o closer the camare to the assets... for the other hand If I am using color map as texture atlas e.g ... I do not preciated the pixelation too much...