A while ago, I modeled this character, from the Megaman Zero series:
modelBack then, I didn't really have a goal besides getting that "close enough" look. However, due to my lack of experience with painting skin weights, I couldn't really put her sitting down on the rock,
like in the original reference. The result was a pretty cardboard pose, and the model suffered because of it.

Fast-forward to today, and I decided that despite my lack of experience, the model deserves to at least be put in a more expressive pose. After taking notes on models from games like Hyperdimension Neptunia and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I've also taken the liberty to make a few changes that I think will make the model more interesting:
- The model is no longer shadeless. It loses the hard shadows and highlights it had, but with the Ambient Color cranked up, I get about the same look without having to painstakingly paint them into the model.
- I've multiplied the AO map onto the color map for the body, which gave me a nice base to start painting from.
- I've moved from two UV maps to a number of smaller ones, and consequently re-did the textures.The eye whites and pupil are now one single piece.
- The neck piece, chin and face shape were tweaked slightly.

This is the pose I want to ultimately put it on. Things to do/consider still:
- Texture the spear again.
- Texture the black outline around the eyes.
- Figure out what's wrong with the hair's normal map around the hair grooves.
- Tweak the lighting past the default setup in the scene?
- Figure out if there's any way to have a roughness map in a shader like Phong.
- Actually paint the weights well. I'll probably need to do a lot of research on this.
- Make a blendshape for a better facial expression other than "looking slightly annoyed" (not sure when to do this, before or after rigging?).
- Make an interesting base.
- Make an interesting background (this could be very challenging, my artistic skills are non-existent).
Thanks for reading!