Unit of Norsemen for Mierce Miniatures' Darklands game. It's a unit of 5 men with 5-6 weapon options each. So there is 27 uniqe options of them. Obviously that's a bit much to render, so I just picked my favourite mele option for each pose, another one with a bow, and finally I made a render with all options for each pose, and that's what you can see here, 3 renders for each pose
Brynhild Gunnblindi
This is Brynhild Gunnblindi or Brynhild Battle-Blinder miniature for the Norse faction of Mierce Miniatures' Darklands wargame. For 3D printing; ~35 mm scale.

Steinn the Bold
Nordic hero sculpted for Mierce Miniatures, for 3D printing; ~35 mm scale. Mounted version soon

Mounted version
Schyrós - The Giant Turtle
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AA33q
Artstation link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lVEeZo
Concept Art of Klostiss was provided by Mierce Miniatures.
Also BIG anouncement: I'm teaching another class in Ryan Kingslien's Game Art Institute in March and April. It's called "Creating 3D Printed Miniatures In ZBrush, From Start To Finish" and it's a 6 weeks online course in which you will create your own miniature sculpture ready for 3D printing.