So who knows why, but I was curious about a way to really easily and quickly put together decent-looking modular Bouncy Castles, with a dedicated Master Material.
A habit of mine is to try and find easy solutions for cloth/rubber/etc things without expensive tools and high-res meshes or lots of unique surface area, so this is taking advantage of a tiling wrinkles/folds Detail Normal and 99% of the pieces are made by creating the basic shape, UV mapping, then running a Max
Cloth Sim (Rubber, -50 Gravity, 1.5-2.5 Pressure) with the Borders preserved.
Here's what I have so far with modular parts, a WIP atlas of stickers (Masked), a simple trim material, and the BC Master Material - UV1 uses a small atlas of very soft normal bevels, adds wrinkles based on a tiny (
128 or 64px) grayscale UV2 mask, adds a slight fresnel transmission
effect, uses three predefined colours selected via Vertex Colour. It still needs some base textures, right now the colour and roughness values are just constants:
note - some of the stickers currently look completely off scale-wise, will fix at some point)
A glimpse inside my Max scene:
Vertex Colour separation (
applies to Main and Trim Materials):
Cleaned up the Main Master Mat in UE for screenshot purposes:
Other than the fresnel & SSS, it looks like a reasonably cheap thing to do, plus I could export out any and all configurations of the modular components and have them combined in Max as single objects.