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3DS Max/Mental Ray Glow/Glare Camera Shader assistance

Hey friends. I've been working on a project in 3ds and am running into a little FX trouble.

Objective: to have the fire and lightning use Glow maps in the materials but only have the lightning use the Glare map in the Camera Shaders output channel.

Issue: The Glare Camera Shader is affecting both the lightning and the fire. Setting different Material IDs to the materials and Glare map doesn't help. When I remove the Glow map from the fire material the Glare is removed from the fire, as well. But when I reattach the Glow map, the Glare appears again. Does the Glare map work in tandem with the Glow map? I must be missing something, there's got to be a way to have a Glare output Camera Shader affect only one material. Any thoughts are much appreciated! 

Glare output Camera Shader on both fire and lightning:

Glare output Camera Shader turned off:

Glare only on lightning. Basically what I'm going for yet cannot achieve in the render:

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