... this is, what I´ve been waiting for a loooong time

Mixer and Bridge are really capable applications and even just beta status - GJ on this, guys!
I really enjoyed mixing materials and man - this is what I was hoping Mixer to be. I am not disappointed.
Now - I got som e questions, regarding paid licenses:
Can payment be canceled monthly - or just after 1 Year?
Can I upgrade/downgrad a license?
Does "Freelance" allow to publish/sale landscapes, that contain some 3d Mehses + Textures (among others) from Megascan?
If not - does "indie Game" allow fot this?
First, I just want to make and publish a few personal projects (for my folio), so I think "hobby" should do?
When clients want to have some landscape/scenery exactly made up with some Megascan stuff - I need to switch to "freelance" or "Indie", I guess?
thanks a lot
Thanks for reaching out. To answer your questions:
You can cancel at any time.
You can change your subscription terms by unsubscribing and choosing the plan that works for you once your plan expires. We're working on making this seamless in the future.
Creating textures/models, packs or libraries for sale to the general public using Megascans content or delivering/reselling raw or minimally retouched Megascans content to clients is currently not allowed. No subscription plans or any service plan with Megascans allows for reselling Megascans content in any form.
If your clients need work and you're not working for them, but are a contract artist instead, the Freelance option would be your ideal subscription.