I am not sure how to go about this:
You can use command line to launch the editor and bake lighting to save GPU resources for GPULightmass, especially video memory.- Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-Cmd.exe "path\to\your\project\yourproject.uproject" -run=resavepackages -buildlighting -allowcommandletrendering -map=/Game/Maps/MyMap.umap
- Remember to replace Content with Game in the umap path
As a ue4 script/tech noobishy, Where d u enter the above? In the output log?
I am not sure how to go about it. I seem to be having issues getting the gpu to build sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I have also set the TDR delay to about 300.
Give it a try, Obscura. I will post something soon :- )
Lighting only. The full scene took 12 mins only. I would upload the full scene animations when done. Gonna lay in some sculpts on the pillows and sheets :- ) I don't think I am ever going back to cpu for lightmass rendering.
Post 317
I figured out my gpu was overloaded with having other 3d apps on while lightmass was rendering so I freed up the gpu to only work with ue4. I have two gpus on my system so that helped a ton. I was about to try Obscura's directions when I realized it. So there was no longer the need to launch lightmass using command line. I am wondering if it's the same thing or different.
I am not sure about the command line thing either. Obscura was just trying to be helpful and he is an awesome dude. I think the command line is meant to start the lighting building for that particular project without the ue4 editor ever launching therefore conserving video memory in the process... I think.
I will check the scene again and see if there are somethings I can optimize, I do feel its the lightmap sizes I am using though.