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Comfy shi fi chair around 10k poli wip

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Ureroll null
I lied, it does not look too comfy  after all or much sci fi either. it Is probably missing a piston/ support somewhere in  front not fall apart when you sit on it. The only normal details are the "cushons" a bit  on the flat/ unrefined side. I could add some kind of baked speakers on the side of the head part and the  back of the monitor also needs  more. I had trouble with the ID map bake so I  just filled the uv islands with painter but the normal was not bad after doing a cage.


  • Ureroll
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    Ureroll null
    There you go, added a much needed support piston in front & little bolts, fixed a proper id map to define the cushions a bit more + loudspeakers and a new temp paint. The project lighting has a desert yellowish tint from the GI so.. yea not sure if this one will work. Will add some separate cables in ue4, I am sure there is some smart way to do it, splines maybe??
    I can't explain why my initial idea was for something both comfortable and futuristic but ended up with some  torture device vibes from the seventies? Anyway time to move on some other prop!

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