Just started this new project, really wanted to make a sexy strong orc lady who could crush a man's head with her thighs.
Basing her on Bayard Wu's amazing Ms. Orc sketches
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aOLok She's looking kinda stylised at the moment but I want to go for a more realistic look. Really gotta nail that anatomy!

Also following that illustrator, amazing stuff.
I want it to be push up but still let the boobs have some weight and squishyness to them haha. I'll be working into it soon and getting a better idea of her overall design so the boobs will get some more attention!
@RachidJ Thankyou!
Thanks for the video I was just looking for optimised workflow between marvelous and zbrush! definitely gonna try this on my next project! @HazelTheHobbit
its looking good! I know what you mean about concepting taking ages haha
It would be lovely to see some additional detail in her face and perhaps hardening up her features somewhat. She still looks great at the moment, but getting some additional distortion around her tusks, some deeper brow lines, and perhaps even bumping up the tusk size a bit might help sell her "orc-ness" more effectively.
Looking forward to more!
Totally agree with you about the face! That's what I'll be focusing on next!
These are the kinda abs I'm going for:
They still need a lot of work though
My only critique would be to consider (subtly) bulking up her shoulders/arms if you're considering having her more of a warrior-type. She feels more like a runner to me right now.
Keep up the good work, I'm excited to see where you take her!