I've been attempting to follow some of the official tutorials for Substance Designer, and I am running into a problem with the material blend node. Whenever the tutorial uses it, it seems to overlay the normal maps of the two materials. When I use it however, it seems to just copy one over the other, and half the data is lost. I don't even have the option to set a blending mode. Apparently this might have been changed in the newer versions of Designer?

This is the tutorial I am following at the appropriate moment:
https://youtu.be/b2LKMffeiWE?t=1m25sWhen I follow those exact steps, all of the information for the shape of the nails is lost, because the metal base material's flat normals just overwrite it.
https://giant.gfycat.com/MilkyPerfectKinglet.webmNow, I can already think of a few ways to work around this. I could blend the normal maps independently of the material blend node, for example. But it seems like the must be a more efficient way to do this. Any ideas?
If your nails have detail and you would like to blend that in but not stray too far from the tutorial, just go into the more expanded material mode, and pipe your normal into the appropriate slot.