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3dsmax script help

polycounter lvl 2
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davidmajdi polycounter lvl 2
hi , in 3dsmax i want to do automatic smoothing group but its too time consuming to go to editable poly and give number and set smooth group.
can somebody make script to asign smoothing group 30 or 40 degree automativc. i want have button on my personal toolbar for 30 and 45 degree automatic smoothing group . tnx alot


  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify<br>modClass = classOf (modPanel.getCurrentObject())<br>modFullName = modpanel.getCurrentObject()<br><br>if (modClass == Editable_Poly) then (<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;modFullName.autoSmoothThreshold = 40<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;modFullName.autosmooth ()<br>)<br>else if (modClass == Edit_Poly) do (<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;modFullName.autoSmoothThreshold = 40<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;modFullName.ButtonOp #Autosmooth<br>)
    Just select the faces you want to smooth and run this. Change the autoSmoothThreshold value to whatever angle you want to smooth by.
  • davidmajdi
    Offline / Send Message
    davidmajdi polycounter lvl 2
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