Like most here I'd say my first game on PC was Pinball or Mine sweeper. however my best experiences were from Sleep walker and Blade Runner, they were the first 'proper' games I played
My memories are fuzzy, but either some pong-clone on a Philips VideoPac console, or some frogger-clone on something a lot like this:
My first 'serious' love was the NES though, and I probably played the classic Mario/Duckhunt first. Fond memories of figuring out the second controller worked during Duckhunt, and made the game significantly harder for player 1!
Missile Command along with a few other games on an Atari 2600. I'm old but not that old though, things took forever to get to my country this was in the late 80s so the NES would have been out a couple years.
The first games I can remember is playing Centipede when i was probably 4 or 5 at an arcade. First console game was Double Dragon. Had a blast in that game, even though I had my cousin defeat the bad guys. But, the game that really caught my eye as a kid was when Virtua Fighter came out... It was beautiful at the time!
Back to the future for NES, that game was extremely difficult; I never completed it but I tried. The game industry likes to mention A.I in games and how it makes it harder, there was no A.I in games years ago but whatever the developers had done to the game made it difficult to complete.
Kung Fu Master in Arcade machine. It was in a bar near home when I was 7 years old. There was no problem with two 7 years old kids entering a bar filled with adult drinking alcohol, smoking and watching soccer on tv at that time. Things had changed a lot since then XD
My first game was Road Rush, Max Pyne and Prince of Persia. Max Pyne and Prince of Persia was given by my cousin sister in my birthday. I still love playing these.
Awesome thread you guys! So many memories. I'm a little bit confused about which one was my first game, as I started young, but I think it was Alley Cat, played on my brother's Olivetti PC1 when he wasn't home (it's either this or the original Prince of Persia)
Baldurs Gate 2 i miss that satisfaction of finishing game, after 3 months of thinking annoying friends for advice's and being late to school.
Little off topic: it was one game in Dos: Lotus something... racing game i was furious because i could not finish most of races i end up without fuel, only one that had sound 8 bit but still sound. Forgot that game till high school until i seen friend play it on class, then i realized that those pump signs weren't only for show, you stop near sig and game fills your fuel, i still remember how i felt funny and silly.
^ Yeah awesome games (...great memories) but for me was in reverse order, pong then the latter, although space invaders in my case was on a table top arcade version.
Also I might add, whilst I played hooky from the final year in high school for sometimes weeks on end, which was spent playing Galaxian at a pool hall for the town's local (mainly...idle) youth
Awesome thread you guys! So many memories. I'm a little bit confused about which one was my first game, as I started young, but I think it was Alley Cat, played on my brother's Olivetti PC1 when he wasn't home (it's either this or the original Prince of Persia)
I remember this game...and the colors! Really glad my dad had a monochrome screen - I really wonder who came up with pink and blue when they asked "So we got 4 colors in total, we got white, black.. what other colors shall we pick?!"
A cartridge with 20 NES games on it that I played on a Chinese Nintendo hardware clone. First arcade game was Mortal Kombat II and first PC game was Earth 2150.
First (video) game that I ever played was a game that my father programmed on our new computer...a TRS-80 (my dad got it from Radio Shack in 1977...I was 8 at the time). Just the computer (so no 'monitor'/TV, or cassette player...he had those already). I believe my dad called it "Lunar Lander" because he ripped it off of an actual TRS-80 game called "Lunar Lander". He figured "Hell no! I'm not paying for that! I can write it myself!" So he did. You basically had to calculate a controlled decent of a lunar lander landing on the surface of the typed in number for fuel duration/thrust amount, angle of approach, and the lander slowly descended in an arc. Yeah... gripping game play! LOL! But, my dad programmed it. From scratch. On his own. (he wasn't a computer guy; but he was a microwave telecommunications and radar Not as "graphically fancy" as the 'real' game...but then again, graphics were...well... 1977. 'nuff said.
First "real", colour, "video game as we know them today" was probably "Defender", on our Colecovision...or it could have been "Donkey Kong" too.
There was no problem with two 7 years old kids entering a bar filled with adult drinking alcohol, smoking and watching soccer on tv at that time. Things had changed a lot since then XD
I'm a little bit confused about which one was my first game, as I started young, but I think it was Alley Cat, played on my brother's Olivetti PC1 when he wasn't home
Little off topic: it was one game in Dos: Lotus something... racing game i was furious because i could not finish most of races i end up without fuel, only one that had sound 8 bit but still sound. Forgot that game till high school until i seen friend play it on class, then i realized that those pump signs weren't only for show, you stop near sig and game fills your fuel, i still remember how i felt funny and silly.
Then a couple of Invaders style hand-helds.
Then Atari pong.
^ Yeah awesome games (...great memories) but for me was in reverse order, pong then the latter, although space invaders in my case was on a table top arcade version.
Also I might add, whilst I played hooky from the final year in high school for sometimes weeks on end, which was spent playing Galaxian at a pool hall for the town's local (mainly...idle) youth
First (video) game that I ever played was a game that my father programmed on our new computer...a TRS-80 (my dad got it from Radio Shack in 1977...I was 8 at the time). Just the computer (so no 'monitor'/TV, or cassette player...he had those already). I believe my dad called it "Lunar Lander" because he ripped it off of an actual TRS-80 game called "Lunar Lander". He figured "Hell no! I'm not paying for that! I can write it myself!" So he did.
First "real", colour, "video game as we know them today" was probably "Defender", on our Colecovision...or it could have been "Donkey Kong" too.
Paul L. Ming