Following the finish of my other project I wanted to make a human character.
The choice fell on Annie from League of Legends, but I wanted to model her according to the design they used in the cinematic rather than the in-game model. I liked the old-fashioned clothing she wore, and it generally fits better to my view of Annie.
So far I've made a very basic block-out of the body. No muscles, just trying to get the right length on arms, legs, torso and whatnot.
Any help on proportions would be great - I haven't spent much time dawdling with humans (I've kept to bipedal and feral), especially not children.
Trying to get her into the age-range 6-10, preferably in the lower end of the range.
Some progress. Edited the face a little and started working roughly on blocking out the shirt.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I finished this project almost 2 months ago now, and instead of the Origins Annie I went with Frostfire Annie instead since that's my favorite skin.
Not too happy with my painting work, sadly... I missed the palette Riot used completely!
It was a learning experience though, as I got to go through the process from sculpt to a finished low poly - which I haven't done a lot! This would be my 3rd attempt I think.