Hey everyone

I wanna start a discussion about being in creative mode, the time of great ideas, of inspiration.
Would be lovely if you share your habits, your way of thinking,how you focus, how you come up with ideas and or perhaps your creative environment. Everything that get's you into a creative mood.
My creativity works best, when I am alone and my thoughts aren't too busy. I write alot of music and those ideas come to my mind while jaming and being calm. If I do too much thinking about being creative, the outcome isn't 'real'. I'd say I am a fast creative, my best ideas come in seconds.
Let me know you feel about creativity!
So one must be open, sometimes ideas can come from seeing interesting old games,
For example, I once checked out a a game called "Pop n' twin bee" and it inspired me to make a ship based fellow.
Arms came out and I decided to make an arms fellow of my own.
The list goes on.
Sometimes hearing strange phrases or plays on words., has inspired me to create new fellows.
I once made a fellow named "eggscalibur" which was an egg based warriro who transformed into eggsclaibur.
A current fellow that have on my site is called "mandrake" based off of the mythical being and the fact that he is a duck.
The pun also extends to the Japanese language as "kamonegi" is a type of leak, but "kamo" also means duck.
Sometimes ideas can come to you if you are just randomly sketching in the sketchbook or doing the silhouette studies;
you never know what can come from these.
Also going on long walks has helped me come up with dudes as well, you never know what you will come up with.
(sewer king, from "Hey Arnold", if anybody remembers that show)
Would be interesting to talk about how to come up with quick, random ideas.
Also possibly connecting ideas with colors you see. For example looking at anything yellow. You connect yellow with sun, beach or straw, then you connect straw with the roof of a mill in a medieval setting. There you go
Let me know if you have other ideas how to brainstorm.
Light scribbling I don't look at for a couple seconds, and then I look at it to "massage out" a shape to finish the sketch. I especially use this if I have no particular design I want to do.
Although I think "consuming" too much art can also easily distract from making it yourself.