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Export metalness vs specular.

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Udjani interpolator
For that first screenshot, those white edges or artifacts are due to the metalness workflow right? 

And here i exported to unity, one is using specular map and the other metalic, those artifcat are still visible but much less than the painter viewport, and there is no diffrence bettwen them, at least i can't see, i was expecting to see something like in the bpr guide/tutorial from substance and marmoset where the difference in those artifact between the metallic and specular would be pretty obvious.

I also have exported them to marmoset, tried different lights scenarios too but they both looked the same. Why is that? 


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Whichever technique is used there's not usually  a difference between the resulting numbers in the Shader, it's just a question of how the metal/non-metal masks are encoded.if they're soft edged you'll always get a halo .

    Exact results depend on the Shader etc. and it's probably worth remembering that in Painter you're seeing uncompressed images with no mips and quite high quality environment sampling so it can make things look sharper than they will in game. 
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    The "halo" you see in Unity seems to come more from the bump difference between the metal and the paint than from a shader highlight due to the metalness.
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