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Been using max for 17 years! Suggestions, what other tools work like max?

polycounter lvl 6
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3DAutosports polycounter lvl 6
I'm getting to that point where I need to get a new copy of max, but now they have that subscription system that is $1500 per year (ouch). It was painful enough to pay $3500 for max so many years ago, but I think I got my value out of my copy of max 9!

Looking for a low cost or free alternative to 3ds Max. But my biggest worry is having to re-learn a new 3D tool. I've used Max for 17 YEARS! I would like to find a tool that functions the same, or can be setup so it works the same as Max. I am looking for something I can hit the ground running, not spend weeks learning how to use it. When I open the program, I want to click on a edge, hold shift and drag to make a new poly.

I am looking for suggestions on tools can are, or could be setup to function just like max.

Thank you!


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    There are no 3D apps that are complete carbon copies of 3DSMax, like you seem to be asking for.

    For general purpose 3D apps these days you basically only have 4 options other then Max:

    Maya - The only 3D app with comparable market share to 3DSMax. Powerful, especially when it comes to animation, but no modifier stack equivalent. Its possible to try and work parametrically, but not simple. Has shift extrude for edges in latest releases. Has a cheap version called 'Maya LT' that has some limitations that may or may not be deal breakers.

    Modo - Extremely powerful modeling toolset. Has recently added its own modifier stack equivalent. Unlike Max/Maya a license can be bought outright still. Performance is generally worse then Max/Maya/Blender, and stability varies a lot across different hardware configurations.

    Blender - The most powerful free 3D app by far. With about $100 worth of paid addons it can be made significantly more powerful, and even without them its a great tool that's very comparable to Max/Maya/Modo. Learning curve can be somewhat steep, and default keymap is regarded as poor by most users (it can thankfully be changed though).
    Houdini - The most powerful parametric modeling and effects app out there. Extreme learning curve, but there's nothing else quite like it. Increasingly used in the games industry for large scale projects and effects work.

    If you want to dig into the lesser used apps there's also Cinema4D, lightwave, and Softimage/XSI. Large parts of Cinema4D have been abandoned for a decade or more (UVs, texture painting), game artists never really use Lightwave (haven't heard of a game artist using it in many years), and Softimage/XSI is just flat out dead.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    blender might be an option: rather affordable ;) - leaving plenty of budget to pick up some addons.  can be set up pretty much any way you'd want to (knowing a bit of python helps though - as does throwing away the defaults), it has a modifier stack - although by far not as deep as max's - and even comes with shift-extrude-like functionality.

    there's no app where you can just dive in and replicate a max setup directly though. it's a significant up front time investment to bend the program to behave the way you like as far as possible - and there'll always remain differences, even deal-breakers in certain areas.

    apart from blender, not much choice or is there? maya, modo, perhaps C4D and then you're already in niche app territory. no good to pick up something that's been marginalized like lightwave or going extinct like softimage.

  • SebastianBielecki
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    SebastianBielecki polycounter lvl 4
    I was using Max for 3 years, now i'm moving slowly to Maya. Omg what a pain. I'm not saying that Maya is better or worse, it just works different. Even if you know modeling techniques making a model took me a lot more time in the beggining before i used to similar tools. Example: in Maya there is no bevel tool, there is extrude only and it has offset value, took me 15 minutes to realize how to make that ;)
    There is no modifier stack which is also a pain ;( Maya has other usefull tools tho. So in the end of the day something lost, something gained :)
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I've been using max since it came out so I understand where you're coming from ..  I've been using maya for over a decade and it still drives me mad.
    Modo is basically maya but less irritating and less fully featured.

    Houdini is not for modelling, it's for doing stuff. 

    If I switched my main app itd be to blender. The only thing that stops me is that I don't have to pay for my software.  

  • thomasp
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    the thing with maya is though that if the OP is not a fan of subscriptions then price-wise it's in the same league as max. plus, if you have a preference for max and used it for 17 years (!) - then the modifier stack is most likely part of the reason - which is something maya doesn't have at all.

  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    Since it seems like you'd rather not switch and you say you got your money's worth out of Max 9, you could also try to get your hands on a used copy of the last perpetual version of 3ds Max (2016?). Probably not easy to find, especially now, and you would have to explore the legal side of things, which includes getting Autodesk's approval prior to the transaction, but might be worth considering, at least if you live in Europe.

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