so for me when my grandparents or other less computer/game oriented folks ask me about what I do for a living (env art/etc.) i usually explain that it's like how films need people to make props and sets for the actors to interact with but instead it's on a computer and the props and sets for a video game. a way i got my grandfather to understand specifically was by comparing environment art to building model train scenery which was something he had experience with.
when ive had people ask more specifically how 3d models/materials/environments are made it's difficult to explain without using technical terms, how do you usually do it?
Even though 99% the stuff I'm doing is not a cartoon, but it's the closest mainstream word to describe 3D. Kinda like how people still call every game system a Nintendo.
This reminds me of a time someone thought an environment artist was a gardener.
Though in a sense, both terms might have truth. You still make sculptures if you use Zbrush/Mudbox. And you're responsible for plants if you work in any 3D environment.
Since we are doing visual stuff, I don't think great metaphors are necessary. A picture says more than a thousand words.
- I make things like that.'
She replied that it was very interesting since she had just bought herself a 3D TV...
No kidding.
I will not explain further the difference in video games vs film... If they are familiar with the subject i will further discuss specialization.