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ZBrush Dynamesh problem - holes appear in higher resolution

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TheGabmeister interpolator
I'm using the Proboolean + Dynamesh workflow for hard-surface as presented in this ZBrush Summit video:
I'm at the point where I've created the necessary polygroups, creased the sharp edges, subdivded the mesh, and made sure that there are no holes.

I encountered an issue where I get a lot of strange holes when I pump up the Dynamesh resolution. As shown in the images below, the mesh looks fine when I target around 3.3 million points. Attempting to get 7 million points however creates these holes. I really need the higher resolution since I'll be sculpting some details later on. I was wondering if you guys have encountered something similar.


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
     I really need the higher resolution since I'll be sculpting some details later on

    Any reason you can't turn dynamesh off at a lower working resolution, and just subdivide to get the additional geometry?

  • TheGabmeister
    Offline / Send Message
    TheGabmeister interpolator
    cryrid said:
     I really need the higher resolution since I'll be sculpting some details later on

    Any reason you can't turn dynamesh off at a lower working resolution, and just subdivide to get the additional geometry?

    I tried your solution. After the Dynamesh resulting to 3 million points, I subdivided once to reach 12 million points, used Polish by Features to remove some of the faceting, and then used the default Polish to soften the hard edges.

    It looks good so far; however, I noticed that there's some degree of waviness during the Polish phase. 
  • DallanP
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    DallanP polycounter lvl 9
    You can try projecting detail from your original model to the 3 mil and project each SDiv step up to 12 mil.  That way you don't have to polish.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I noticed your mesh has polygroups. Do you have groups turned on in dynamesh? what's happening only usually happens when it's trying to auto-close holes across your mesh. This is usually because you have groups which aren't closed shells. If you want to preserve individual parts and use dynamesh try splitting your groups into individual subtools and dynameshing each separately. Otherwise just don't use the polygroups setting in dynamesh if it's one piece.
  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    I have Groups turned off in Dynamesh.

    Anyway, I was able to find a solution. It turns out that turning on Auto Apply ClayPolish under the Dynamesh settings helps a lot in preserving the hard edges and preventing waviness. This way, I can use Dynamesh to target a lower density, and then subdivide. 
  • srlake314
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    srlake314 polycounter lvl 6
    I am having the same issues, but none of the solutions listed seem to assist in merging the elements via dynamesh, remesh by union nor liveboolean of 2 subtools.  Dynameshing gives me the above issues.
  • knacki
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    knacki polycounter lvl 12
    Don't know if it will help in your special case, but the dynamesh master plug in helped me quite often with dynamesh problems.
    Really worth a try.

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