Hello everyone
I am a games art and animation student in my final year. I am currently doing my final major project and I was hoping to get some feedback on the character model so far. its still a work in progress and I am looking for some feedback and critiques.
For this model I am looing to create a stylised type character. However when I was doing research into how, most of the artists created their stylised characters in Zbrush and retopologised in Maya, but I am currently going from Maya to mudbox as I don't have Zbrush available to use. For the body I followed the body tutorial by James Taylor and did the armour and UVs by myself. I was looking to do the details and sculpting in mudbox and transfer the normal and ao etc back to Maya. For texturing I will either us substance painter or Photoshop. My character will look very similar to genji in overwatch as he will have a Oni mask as well.
Any feedback and critiques would be greatly appreciated as I am still a student so any advice people can give would be great

Your unwrap is kinda a mess and could be optimized a lot. I see huge empty gaps, overlapping islands, and mirrored islands which aren't aligned correctly. Unless you have a reason for using non-square textures, I'd really recommend sticking with squares - it's just easier to work with.
Hi thanks for the feedback
I am trying to go for the overwatch type look for my character model similair to Genjii but I'm just now sure how because I have never done a stylised character before or sculpted in Zbrush so the best I have at the moment is maya and Mudbox. Most of the stylised characters I have seen the person modelled in zbrush but never to animate or use in a game just to showcase. The character is going to eventually animated for a fight. I kept being told that I should model for a game so to try and keep the poly count low but I'm not sure that's working for the look I'm trying to get.
The uvs are a combination of 2 UV sets on is of the main body the other the armour but i tried to stack the UVs that matched and would have the same textures