Hi Everyone !
I'm a 3d Artist and i'm specialized in props and environments.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to exhibit my portfolio within my school to show it to some professionals. I had a discussion with one of my classmates and he told me than, instead of calling myself "a 3D Artist", I should take the title of "3D Modeler".
I dont't really understand what is the exact difference between these two titles, on the same terms as a 2D Artist is different (or not ?) from a concept artist ? or a texture artist ?
As a 3d artist, I do model some stuffs in 3D but I also do some texturing with substance painter. On the other hand, a 3d modeler is, by definition, a sort of artist ?
Can you help me ? I'm a little bit frustrated actually...

If you make full environments with props, textures and lighting you should call yourself "3D Environment Artist", if you do only props you should call yourself "3D Prop Artist" or "Prop Artist".
Job offers give you plenty of insight on how companies see their artists' roles. What you call yourself will be secondary as your portfolio will do most of the talking anyways.
You're either a 3d artist, 3d prop artist or 3d environment artist depending on what you specialise in the future.
:smile Correct, It is indeed quite relevant but I just wanted to be sure about having the right title.
Thank you folks for your explanations!!