Im, pretty new to Zbrush and Sculptris Pro (within brush) and I am obsessed! I've been working on a sculpt I love and in my excitement I started using Sculptris Pro because of how awesome and intuitive it is. But I am just coming to learn that I can not create Displacement, texture maps?? Is this the case? Is there a work-around at all??
My plan was to render my character in substance painter, but now Im freaking out because I have put so much work into it. I have no Subdivision levels because Sculptris does not work on a model with SD, so I got rid of them, but now how am I going to render it??
Please help, any advise, suggestions, solutions for this over excited noob would be really helpful!
What is your intention? Illustration or production asset? If you're just looking to get a nice render/illustration of the model having painted it in SP then you can duplicate your Sculptris mesh>Zremesh the dupe>Divide it to about the same res as the Sculpt>project the detail at each level with the dupe subtool active>Unwrap the lowest level of the dupe>go to the highest level>dupe again and decimate with preserve UVs>export the decimesh to S Painter>enjoy texturing......
If production asset here's a video from the Zbrush guru himself, Michael Pavlovich: