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[WIP] Jazz Jackrabbit - (Retrogasm 2018)

polycounter lvl 3
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TGI polycounter lvl 3
Heya everyone!!

I've been dying to participate in this challenge forever! Unfortunately life and stuff kept getting in the way but now I actually have time! Woo! Here's to hoping I can actually finish something for once!

Anyways, I've been itching to do any sort of Jazz Jackrabbit remake for ages. SO I figured this was the perfect opportunity to do an HD Jazz!

Here's what I have so far:

My intentions are to do a half-hand painted half-PBR sort of deal since I think that's preferable to Jazz's original style.

More pics!

The legs are actually killing me. I've concepted them 100 times.

While rough and not 100% lined up, I've been referencing this concept I created along with official art from Jazz Jackrabbit 2.

Any sort of criticism/comments are greatly appreciated!

Nothing is really set in stone so I will take any sort of feedback I can get.


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