Hi everyone,
(I was hesitant whether to put this as 2D or 3D critique as well.. it is 2D but also has Height Maps for Mesh tessellation. Please move if needed)
I've been dabbling with Substance Designer for a little while now and although some outputs looked nice, it is common to fall in love with your own artwork preventing it from becoming more awesome with the slightest changes.
I really wanted to add the graphs on here but they are so huge, I don't know how best to go about it - slicing them up would make them more confusing...
All critique is welcome please.
I really am at a loss on where to go next with this or in fact completely move on as it is good enough for Games?
Thanks guys.

I'll take the silence as no further work required which is reassuring in itself however, if any ideas come to mind later feel free to revive this thread.
Your material has some good foundations to work from but could use a lot of improvements. I like your patterns and how they're layered throughout, but there's quite a few things lacking.
The first thing that you really need to do is better define the details on the tiles and the grout. Right now they look very under detailed and blobby for what they are. They don't have the correct forms or the porosity of each of those respective materials.
The next big issue is how the water is gathering. You need to think about how the water would actually pool. There should be more clear divots, dents, holes, cracks, etc. to have water sitting in. Imagine a heavy object dropped and punched up a couple tiles a bit and some water had begun to pool in those areas. Another thing that would help is having some areas that have begun to dry where the pools are still obviously wet.
The biggest issue here is there's a general lack of storytelling happening in this material. It's tiles and that's just about all you can gather from it. You have some water gathering which is definitely something, but it's also not enough to be really interesting. Add more elements to the story of your material.
Wow easy guys XD, I have no problem posting the graph. I think the more information the better. I don't know which is the best way to go about that so obviously suggestions are welcome on that as well so all is okay
Thank you very much Ashervisalis and Jack M. for the in depth critique and discussion, exactly what I was after. It is true that I could be making some dummy mistakes with the graph that would stick out like a sore thumb.
Love the graph ahahaha.
And yes I didn't seriously think it was perfect at all, hence my original posting. Glad you both took it in the spirit it was intended.
I had problem attaching the SBSAR files before and assumed it was because I was new. Only now did I think to ZIP it and maybe that would work. Well it did work and, I feel stupid haha.
It will be the "Combine" Graph at the top of the package.
I will attach then but please keep in mind I made some alterations to reapply this as an interior floor pattern (so no more water for now). I use Rectangle Links in this layout if it doesn't autochange for you.
Okay I'll take it all on board, thank you very much everyone.
(Edit - Attachment Now Removed)
If there any really obvious stupid mistakes on here could you perhaps screenshot the section and highlight it or even in the file put a Frame/Comment around them, make any notes or duplicated corrections you think would work.
Only if you feel up to it of course! No obligations, the above critique has already given me a bit to work with.