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Baking tangent space normals with Arnold RTT in maya. Am I missing something?

grand marshal polycounter
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poopipe grand marshal polycounter
I've been building a wrapper around the Arnold RTT tools so they aren't shit but I'm struggling a bit with normals.

I'm not very familiar with Arnold so may be missing something but I don't seem to be able to bake normals into the tangent space of my target bake mesh. 
The aiUtility node gives me world space normals which I've tried transforming into the tangent space of the target mesh  - that failed as I can't see a way of feeding the result of shader on one mesh into the Shader applied to another . 

Anyone have any ideas? It's not a big deal as I can get good results on what I need to produce by rotating things to face where I need them but it'd be nice to be able to bake normals on more complex meshes than a plane. 
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