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Cyberpunk-ish Girl

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Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
Latest update - Project COMPLETE


Wow, been a while since I posted some art! That's the problem when work gets in the way. 

This character was supposed to be done for the Cyber Punk challenge on Artstation, but I never got around to actually doing much until last week when I had some downtime to do some personal art.

This is the concept I made that I am working from.

Here's where I am at with the character, still sort of at the blockin stage, a lot of this is still raw Marvelous simulation, but there are a few completed elements, the pants and shoes being pretty much complete. The character is a mix of scan, sculpt, and simulation data.

In the next few days I hope to have the clothes pushed further, to integrate elements like the buttons, tabs and labels, and finish sculpting the arms and main flaps on the front. The face is a blockin, based on my girlfriend, and I'll tackle that in a week or so.


  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Looks great! You've done a really fine job of the figure so far. Looking forward to seeing this progress.
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Update of my progress, did a full sweep over the coats, still need some work on the placement of the buttons, then adding seam details, but asides from that, I'm pretty much done I think with the sculpting, on to the head and hands next.

  • Pieru
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    Pieru polycounter lvl 5
    Hi Chris,
    first of all, your work on this girl is really amazing.
    I got some feedbacks for you. They are definitely not objective at all, mostly my point of view on some parts.
    Hope you the best for this character.
    cheers, Pierre

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the feedback Pierre!

    Next update, I've finished refining the clothes, added seam lines, cleaned up geometry, split the pants into separate shells, and overall polish over the character. Going to UV all of the parts in the next couple of days, then next up is the head and hands.

  • Aydhe
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    Aydhe polycounter lvl 5
    damn, how did you make this cloth? is it sculpt or sim?
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Aydhe said:
    damn, how did you make this cloth? is it sculpt or sim?
    It's a mix of three methods, simulation, scan, and sculpt, the three S's :smile:

    I first simulated the clothing, which was the first post I made for this thread. I wasn't too happy with the sleeves, so I redid them, using photo reference to sculpt, to ensure I had folds in the right directions, and then supplementing with scan data to get physically accurate folds. I do a final detail pass with alphas I generated from scans.

    All in all, it's pretty a pretty equal ratio, 33~% of the cloth for each method to make the whole thing.
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Got the head sculpted, and a first pass texture applied. Detail pass is split into several layers, so I am able to adjust the intensity of the pores and details in Vray. Spent a bit of time figuring out the render pipeline for what I want to do in Vray (layered displacement mapping primarily), as well as learning Mari, which is why there was a big gap between the last post.

    Need to add makeup, reduce lipstick color intensity, and adjust skin tone to better match the concept.

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Made a digital Walkman, not based on any particular model, but pulling elements from a few different models. This will actually be in her coat pocket, so it won't really be seen, so I definitely went overboard. I will most likely do another pose with it in her hand (not showing the pocket that it's in though, since I don't want to resculpt another pocket), so it might get a bit more visibility. Everything was modelled in Zbrush, baked in Toolbag. 8~ hours total.

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Sculpted and finished the hand. Just have the umbrella left (thing under her coat), and then I'm done modelling, and ready for texturing.

    Edit: I have done another pass on the hand and replaced the old images with the new ones.

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Umbrella is completed! And with that, all of my modelling is completed! Everything already has UVs, I've baked my displacement maps and required maps for texturing. On the home stretch!

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    And here's the full body in Maya with everything in one scene (keeping the head separated right now). I'll pose the character with Zbrush's Transpose Master, not going to rig this, that isn't the focus of the exercise.
    (pretty dense! 1,012,646 triangles :open_mouth: )

  • Pieru
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    Pieru polycounter lvl 5
    Nice job, it's really nice :)
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    First few elements textured. Just rendered in IRay in Painter for now.

    Fabric part will be mostly hidden by the coat, but it has a displacement map to get all of those details in the sculpt that are missing.

    Blockout of the main elements of the shoes. Got a seam right on the front which I will need to deal with, didn't really think about this when unwrapping, but I'll live and deal with it (clone stamping)
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Texture pass on the shoes. Need to split off the shoes and do a left version since I have mirrored text right now (the big logo, and the patch on the strap), but over all I'm pretty happy with them. The displacement map should also help make some elements pop more, notably the leather strop around the shoe laces.

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Got a pass on the walkman tonight as well. Might go back and tweak it depending on what is visible in the final shot. Preview render in Marmoset.

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    First look at the entire character as a whole, with some lighting! Preview in Marmoset again, I find it's the best program to quickly view assets, even if they will be rendered in Vray later, so I can quickly find issues with the texturing or modelling. Looking for feedback on anything :smile:

    Hand clipping will be fixed during posing.

  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    Good job, keep going!
  • bkost
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    bkost interpolator
    Great work! How did you achieve those excellent fabric folds? (I cant anything to look nearly as good through MD) You really nailed down the jacket and jean feel, please share your knowledge! Cheers
  • htannerhartman
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    htannerhartman polycounter lvl 5
    Definitely nailed the cyberpunk feel. Totally reminds me of something i would see from altered carbon.
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Reminds me of the work done on deus ex mankind divided. Love the model so far, its outstanding
  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    This is amazing! I love how you described every step. If these existed I would actually wear all of them haha. thank you for sharing!
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Look'n good, Chris!

  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    I absolutely love this . Post like this is why I love art . Keep it up.
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Calling this a wrap! I learnt a lot on this project, while there are a few things I might have done differently in hindsight, I'm really happy with the results I have achieved. Final renders done with VRay Next & VRay Cloud. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. And expect a gumroad sometime in the near future going into a lot more depth of how I built this :)

    You can check out uncompressed renders, as well as more of my art on my site: chrisbruin.com/miki
    Artstation Cross Post: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rxNwG

  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    Final breakdowns for the walkman as well. Ill upload more breakdowns in the coming days :)

  • -DN-
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    -DN- polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Chris,

    In your final render it looks like her left hand is clipping into her pants pocket, Perhaps do a little photoshop magic if that is the case? Also I could be wrong but I just wanted to chime in because I hate to see tiny things like that take away from such cool pieces. We tend to look at our work/projects so much that we miss the little things sometimes.

    Keep up the good work!
  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    Wow, love the texture and modelling on the clothing!
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    -DN- said:
    Hi Chris, In your final render it looks like her left hand is clipping into her pants pocket, Perhaps do a little photoshop magic if that is the case? Also I could be wrong but I just wanted to chime in because I hate to see tiny things like that take away from such cool pieces. We tend to look at our work/projects so much that we miss the little things sometimes. Keep up the good work! -DN-
    She actually has fingernails painted black with a gold rim on the ends, which is maybe giving the impression that they are clipping since it's black on black. The hands are spaced away from the jeans :) I could have used a different color value for the nails to get a better read on the separation, it's maybe a bit too subtle of a detail. Ah well, something to keep in mind for the next project :)
  • oraeles77
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    oraeles77 polycounter lvl 7
    i got a question, is the body complete, or is it just a head and hands?
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    oraeles77 said:
    i got a question, is the body complete, or is it just a head and hands?
    Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean? If you check out the last post, you can see it is a complete character

    (I'll also update the first post I guess)
  • oraeles77
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    oraeles77 polycounter lvl 7
    Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean? If you check out the last post, you can see it is a complete character

    (I'll also update the first post I guess)
    nah, i didnt mean liek that, I meant at the skin level, did you make an entire nude figure, or  did you just carve some hands/head in zbrush and the rest of it is just a void under the clothes?

    does that make sense?
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    oraeles77 said:
    nah, i didnt mean liek that, I meant at the skin level, did you make an entire nude figure, or  did you just carve some hands/head in zbrush and the rest of it is just a void under the clothes?

    does that make sense?
    Ah, I gotcha. I started out with a full base model underneath all of the clothing, it's necessary for any Marvelous Designer work to go on top of, as well it ensures that the proportions of the character are within the realm of realism. The final render though, yes, I did just chop off the hands and head and removed the body to save on render time.
  • MarcoAntonio
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    MarcoAntonio polycounter lvl 6
  • rage288
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    rage288 polycounter lvl 7
    This is lovely

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