I am learning to build houses in Revit and one of my final projects about 3 months from now is to build a home and render the exterior. I would rather not use Revit to render it, I think using really nice materials and UE4 like an archviz project would look a lot better and be somewhat interactive. I have made other objects in 3DS Max and textured them but never an entire house, how would this be done?
Would I use a UVW Map or the usual unwrap if I want the textures to not look stretched or blurry?
The picture above is something more simple I found that would probably be of similar complexity of a house that I would build. If you were to use this as a reference in Max how would you begin to break this down?
From what I understand so far, I would make the wooden railing and the Garage door, windows and gutters modular and create them as separate objects, but what about the roof and walls?
What I will say though is that if going modular then I advise using dynamic lighting. You don't have to worry about overheads for a scene like this and you can completely avoid the inevitable hairloss that will result from having to arse around with lightmaps.
To UV it, start with UVW Mapping modifier set to Box mode, and scale the box sub-object to be a cube shape.
Then you can use Unwrap UVW to rotate and fine-tune parts that need it.
My conundrum is that I know if I just uvw map the walls of a building I cant add mildew, dirt or any other environment details because it will just take that from one tile and add it to the next, how is this done?
And here's one on Vertex painting from Tech Art Aid YT channel;
I tried using uww mapping Box mode and it gave me some strange errors, it did not seem to show the tile size on the faces when I set it to 2 meters. I did take it into substance painter to test it and the sides that I selected looked fine, however the top and bottom of the box where very strangely unwrapped and there were very tiny little tiles all over it. Box modifier if I add it to the whole thing only lets me add one texture to the model, and it has to be the whole thing, planar doesn't work either yet
I tired it with the full box and it worked but I guess it does not work with particular parts of the box?
like this:
How would I unwrap only the roof of the simple house shape for instance? so that I can add a tiled shingles texture or a stucco texture for the walls?