Hey all,
how do you export your files from Maya to Unity ?
I only have my Lambert1, so it's made to be simple. But when I import my fbx in an empty scene in Maya, I have a Lambert2 created on top of it, so it brings some problems:
I have some strange texture when importing in Unity
Rename your Material something else before you export it to import it with the same name.
I have a character with his pants, for everything it's just one single object skinned and animated.
I need to have 2 materials though, one for the body and one for the pants. So here's what I did when I exported in fbx for unity:
I had the character with the lambert1 already assigned on everything for the body. Then I selected the faces of the pants and assigned to this selection an other lambert that I could re-name.
So in Unity we had the Lambert1 and the other material, which is fine. But is it dirty to do it like that ? Would you recommend this method or do you use an other way to go?
For the question about not using lambert1, it's more of a Best Practice(tm) to avoid using it. Since it's the default material, it's usually best to avoid making any real changes to it or start attaching textures. Say you needed to start on Pants v.2 in the same scene, all your blockouts and other models using lambert1 would now have those textures or whatever.
For smoothing, I usually do a soften edge and delete by type non deformer history which worked pretty fine on other models.
I now try to avoid using lambert1, and even create face Sets for quick selections to assign materials for my characters
What do you mean? Is it me or the engine who has to add vertices? And how could I know where it's needed?
About the high difference between the polycount. There is more for that than just the smoothing split and uv seams apparently. Coincidentally i made a question about that yesterday on unity forum, and got this answer.
''Where did you get the numbers from?
If you use the stats overlay in the Game view, it might also include shadow and depth passes, depending on platform. So if your model has 2k tris, you would at least end up with 2k*3 = 6k tris. Even more if you use shadow cascades or use more than one light, etc.
If you get the numbers from the imported Mesh itself, when you select it in the project and look at it in the inspector, the those should be correct.''
My animations are all named "Take001" in Unity, is there a way to rename this in Maya? It could cause some problems when I will have a lot to manage...
Pls help me!
Pls help me!
Or you can just re-export your model with the root of the model parented to something that doesn't move.