Hello! I been wondering if there is a tool or such in Blender to allow me to merge 2 edge loops at the last selected edge loop, I DO NOT MEAN bridge edge loops, I am talking about merging. I would be very thankful if you know a way or can offer some tips/tricks on doing this. I need to merge loop A to loop B vertices, right now have to do it manually and it is VERY time consuming when there could be a simple function to perform this, thanks!
If not, you can try sliding (G then press G again to activate the sliding mode, there are other options at the bottom of the screen) one into the other, and then use the Remove Doubles to weld them together. In case the mesh is open, Bridge them together first.
It's in the Properties (T) panel after you use this operator. I think you can also access it with the operator settings pop-up (F6 after using the operator).