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[3dsmax] Hiding animation keys in timeline

polycounter lvl 6
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TweaK polycounter lvl 6
Hello !
I've created a rig for a hand and linked some parameters to an attribute holder using custom attributes.

Now I wanted to instanciate the modifier on every control object so anytime I select a control object the properties show up in the modifier panel.

This is working great but there's a drawback I didn't anticipated.

So far here's what I have without the instanciated modifier:

and now with the instanciated modifier:

Everyting is working like a charm, except the keys displayed in the timeline.
The timeline is now messy and almost unusable.

As every animation key are juste position/rotation keys on most control objects, all I need would be to hide the unneeded keys inside the modifier.

Is there a simple way to do that ? I'd like to add a switch button to the modifier UI for the unneeded keys...

Thank you for any help !


  • monster
    Offline / Send Message
    monster polycounter
    Right click on the Trackbar and change the Filter to All Transform Keys.
  • TweaK
    Offline / Send Message
    TweaK polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you monster. I can see some transform keys, but that's not working.

    The problem is that for some reason the keys want to stay in the custom attributes of the attribute holder modifier.

    Here you can see, I have wired only Y_Rotation and Z_Rotation on my control object:

    This is a 2way wire. I wonder if this is why there's a "master" on the wire parameter dialog ? I'm gonna try to change this, but every wire is set using maxscript and there's nothing about it in the documentation.

    Note: the transform keys showing up in the timeline are in the X_Rotation channel. Because there's a transform lock I didn't care, there are all set to 0.
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