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WIP need critique, not sure where to go with this (archvis)

polycounter lvl 3
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Fwalker polycounter lvl 3
My first time working on exteriors. I wanted to try out a post-process heavy workflow on a brutalist industrial style building for my portfolio. 

Along the way I got lost and am really not sure where to go with this. I feel many of my renders turn out purposeless and lack photorealism and good composition. I often abandon work because of this. Should I continue this and try and make it work or abandon it and work on something new?

I'd really appreciate feedback, critiques, and suggestions on workflow.



  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looks like a cool start to me, you might need a purpose or backstory to the image though. why was this "photograph" taken?  to show the everyday life of the workers/cleaners? some kids tagging the building maybe? try to come up with something for the viewer to look at and give them something to think about.
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