Hi everyone, it's been a long time since i last posted, i've been busy (excuses...i know.. ). Anyway, i was struggling with a bigger exterior environment and i wanted a small break, so i made this small hallway. Feedback very much appreciated.
If I can weigh in, I would say that the cornices are almost pure black which is not good since it kind of looks like you can see to space from the corners of the ceiling. Also the floor is a lot more interesting compared to the bare walls. On the curtains the AO is very overpowering and doesn't look too believable. The lighting could be a lot more interesting as well which would help with the more bare parts of the corridor. On the table there you should put at least one piece piece that is a bit more interesting and eye catching. You could possibly make like an old school radio that's a bit larger than the rest of the props.
Thanks for sharing. Works better already. A small lamp somewhere around the door or over it could work, since it would insert some color gradients around the door. Would also make sense in a game if you want to attract the player through the door, there.
Thanks for sharing. Works better already. A small lamp somewhere around the door or over it could work, since it would insert some color gradients around the door. Would also make sense in a game if you want to attract the player through the door, there.
Sorry for the late reply. Actually i had a lamp next to the door (now replaced with the tree) but because i also have the lamp on the ceiling it felt too much. Also when i added that lamp to the scene and then baked the lighting UE tinted the whole room red (that also happens if i bake to a higher quality, like high or production). Something else i wanted to ask about the lighting is how to fix the weird shadows on the corners. I tried changing the lightmass settings as i saw in one of epics videos but it makes it worse. In conclusion is this environment (even with a few tweaks) portfolio worthy? Or should i continue with something else? Thanks for your time!
Oh, hi there again! Can't look into the UE issue right at this moment. The image can be portfolio worthy if you make it pop more and focus on pushing the lighting. Make the exterior view more interesting and show the exterior for added effect. Expand the corridor and it's contents if that is what it takes to make it cooler. What you need to figure out is, what you enjoy in these types of places. You need to be very deliberate about what kind of stuff you want to put into your pieces. If you want to go with subtle lighting, for example, you need to figure out how to best make that subtle lighting work for your piece. Currently the corridor lacks something that would make someone want to explore or go look at it. The lighting should be just a bit more inviting and there should be elements that make the player want to kind of stop instead of just sprinting through that corridor and looking at other more interesting parts of the game. Look at photography and of course other people's work and decide for yourself, what specific things do you enjoy about different environments and what kind of a story is being delivered in the game and make your environment sort of reflect everything that makes you excited to create these game worlds. An interesting thing that got me thinking was that you put a fantasy book on the table which tells me something about the people in the house.
Oh, hi there again! Can't look into the UE issue right at this moment. The image can be portfolio worthy if you make it pop more and focus on pushing the lighting. Make the exterior view more interesting and show the exterior for added effect. Expand the corridor and it's contents if that is what it takes to make it cooler. What you need to figure out is, what you enjoy in these types of places. You need to be very deliberate about what kind of stuff you want to put into your pieces. If you want to go with subtle lighting, for example, you need to figure out how to best make that subtle lighting work for your piece. Currently the corridor lacks something that would make someone want to explore or go look at it. The lighting should be just a bit more inviting and there should be elements that make the player want to kind of stop instead of just sprinting through that corridor and looking at other more interesting parts of the game. Look at photography and of course other people's work and decide for yourself, what specific things do you enjoy about different environments and what kind of a story is being delivered in the game and make your environment sort of reflect everything that makes you excited to create these game worlds. An interesting thing that got me thinking was that you put a fantasy book on the table which tells me something about the people in the house.
I see what you mean. I didn't thought very much of the story (i guess because my goal was to make something quick, at first at least) and that makes the environment look kind of generic. I'll try to think of some ways to make it more intresting and post any updates. Thanks for all your help!
Very nice horror vibe going on. Though I kinda agree with quake, the door needs a bit of light. Maybe add some glass and have a light source outside the door in the hallway.
Hi again. MetalPanda and quakeshock thank you both for your feedback. I did a few changes and i think it's a lot better, the thing i'm not satisfied with is the coat and i don't really know how to make it as i'm imagining it. Maybe i'll try photogrammetry for the first time.
If I can weigh in, I would say that the cornices are almost pure black which is not good since it kind of looks like you can see to space from the corners of the ceiling. Also the floor is a lot more interesting compared to the bare walls. On the curtains the AO is very overpowering and doesn't look too believable. The lighting could be a lot more interesting as well which would help with the more bare parts of the corridor. On the table there you should put at least one piece piece that is a bit more interesting and eye catching. You could possibly make like an old school radio that's a bit larger than the rest of the props.