Hi all, would like to ask something which I have been trying to find for quite some time and that would be finding one to one mentorship for doing 3D environment.
As I am a really slow learner, I have been trying to find a mentor that is able to mentor me on a one to one basis for stuff for improving my portfolio and using the engines like Unreal or Unity to achieve the standards of God of War or Horizon Zero.
Was wondering if there is anything out there like that as easy to find as a one to one digital painting course.
I did look at CGMA and Uartsy but it doesnt seem to cater to me as I have tried a class setting like that and it was great but I feel a one to one is a better suit for me.
I have tried to follow tutorials on Youtube, paid for online short courses but it hasn't reached that level which is required for today's standards.
Hope there is anyone out there that can help me out.

So you think you are a slow leaner... I'd bet that there is dumber people than you making cool shit in the industry right now. It would be nice if we all had a personal teacher to take all of the difficulty of learning through frustrating trial and error out of the way, but it's definitely not something likely to happen unless you have ton's of cash, and even then, who is more valuable, a person accustomed to having answers given to them or somebody who knows how to research and think critically to develop new solutions?
Somebody will probably point you towards some relevant resources, but keep in mind, unless you are literally half braindead, you can definitely learn what you need on your on (i.e. using the resources available for free or cheap online). Just don't quit.
Yes, quality tutorials and/or mentorships will help you along the way, but the number one thing that's going to get you there is putting in the hours and hours of practice that it takes to become a good artist.
Do you have examples of some work that you have done?
Here are some examples of personal work which I have done, https://www.artstation.com/jamesong
Currently I believe I have been working at it for about 4 years give or take a few months.
I know that there are a few pros around here that offer mentorship programs.
I think Josh Lynch still offers a monthly Substance mentorship too
These programs are likely to be focused on a specific discipline though so you'll want to figure out what you want to learn.
Would check those out
Hope it helps, cheers !
I def have a long way to go whether it is character or anatomy thats for sure but I still haven't reached the point where I can tell what is wrong with my work or how I can improve it thus I need a guide/mentor to at least point out my mistakes otherwise I would be repeating them over and over again.