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Monthly Environment Art Challenge - May & Jun 2018 (54)



  • Zerogun
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    Zerogun polycounter lvl 9
    I highly doubt I'd be able to finish this by Friday without having to kill myself over it. But right now I have a first pass for lighting and some base models. I have lowered my polycount and expect to get some more details added in when I get the pieces into substance painter.

  • Łukasz
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    Łukasz greentooth
    I'm not gonna finish on time anyway but here's my attempt of modeling the gun
  • Ace
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    Ace polycounter lvl 9
    That looks fantastic for 256x256 textures!!
    It feels really close to the concept though the lighting is a bit darker

  • rvjain
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    rvjain null
    Hey guys, I started off a few days ago, really liked a few things about the concept art and a few things that I didn't. I completely went off the concept art just because I wanted a have some fun. That said, It still draws something from it. I don't know if this still qualifies but I felt I should just post a few stills anyways. I'd love the critique as I'm aspiring to be an environment artist. Here's the artstation link if you're interested, thank you! looking forward to entering the next challenge! Loving the community!
  • ickhugo
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    ickhugo polycounter lvl 9

    @rvjain I will leave some feedback for you. Here are some things that struck me.


    Adding some sort of moulding that connects the floor to wall, so the transition isn’t so abrupt.

    More roughness on the ceiling. IMO by having the ceiling like a mirror makes the scene a bit disorienting.

    I also think you should work on the lighting in the scene. I am having difficulties picking out anything specific that you can adjust that would improve the scene. But here is a video by 2kliksphilip where he talks about lighting and how you can decorate your scene with interesting shadows. Maybe you can draw some inspiration and come up with something.


  • Ryandec
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    Ryandec polycounter lvl 8
    Just curious will next months challegne start soon?
  • Łukasz
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    Łukasz greentooth
    Here's my update
  • Mrityunjay_Bhardwaj
    hey guys its my first time @ Polycount so, hello EveryBody and thanks for being soooo cool!!!! anyways regarding this month's here is what ive made yesterday...
    currently is only a solid mesh... i will start making it game ready asset tomorrow and lets see how it turn out....

    pleases critique it (down to the gut!! :D ) and all the best to my fellow competitors cheers ^_^

  • SebastianBielecki
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    SebastianBielecki polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys!
    Today is the last day of the challenge so i'm calling it done!
    I will make a Artstation post probably on monday with it since i'm happy how it turned out.
    I've seen some cool progress here, great job everyone!

    High poly - 3ds Max.
    Low Poly - 3ds Max.
    Unwrap and UVs - 3ds Max.
    Baking Maps (normal, ao, id) - Marmoset Toolbag
    Baking Maps (low poly on low poly) - xNormal
    Texturing - Substance Painter
    Renders - Marmoset Tollbag (2560x1440, 400 samples)
    Backgrounds and final composition - Adobe Photoshop (no color correction or lighting tweaks - those were done in Marmoset)
    Logotypes - Adobe Illustrator
    Corner ortographic weapon renders were done in keyshot with Toon shader.

    Final LP has 1 x 4k texture, 22.000 tris.

    Wireframes with Normal map and AO

    Alternative Texture, i was trying to mimic one of the screenshots from Destiny i found on Pinterest.

  • Khael
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    Khael null
    @ickhugo Love the way you worked with that soft lighting and how you managed the texture's colors to not be too dark. The modular approach is something I still need to improve, any tips for me ? :)
  • ickhugo
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    ickhugo polycounter lvl 9

    I think adjusted the brightness values on cine camera actors that exist in UE4 to make sure that the image wasn’t too dark.  
    I don’t have much experience when it comes to a modular approach. But somethings I can recommend are.

    · Setting up measurements beforehand and using real world measurements.
    In my case I made every wall is 150cm wide and 250cm high. Then I set the grid in 3ds max to 25cm. This made building a scene in 3ds max easy and I could spot things that were off or wrong and correct them.

    · Making sure that the axis point is in the corner of a model.
    Maybe this doesn’t make your progress easier in every project but when you are working with simple wall meshes that are just one plane. Aligning wall becomes less of a hassle.

    You can read about modular environments here: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Modular_environments

  • LowerclassRiot
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    LowerclassRiot triangle
    Well i almost made it had some issues trying to do a ocean with Arnold so heres what i  have.

  • LowerclassRiot
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    LowerclassRiot triangle
    Sorry tried the image on my phone and it was so dark it was hard to make out so i hope this fixes that since looked fine on my monitor.

  • kadeschui
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    kadeschui greentooth
    Hi all, Fantastic round of work this Challenge! incredible to see so many completed scenes with such polish in a short amount of time

    As always, feel free to keep working on these and posting here as you make updates to your work.

    I'll have the new Challenge thread (55) up this evening, for July & August. I hope to start the preliminary Voting Thread back up next challenge, unfortunately work has been a little hectic and I haven't had time to get it up and running beforehand with enough time.

    Cheers, and look forward to the new thread shortly!


  • AndySC
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    AndySC polycounter lvl 5

    I managed to get this finished and quickly textured in Painter. Colour ID maps make it so easy to drag and drop materials where you want them.

    It's been another learning experience, the hardest part was matching my low poly to the subdivided high poly. (I used the Bevel Modifier on marked edges, instead of support loops, to hold the subdivided shape.) All the sharper edges were nicely bevelled but the curved shapes had some corners sticking in/out which didn't bake well. Gives me something to account for next time.

  • kadeschui
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    kadeschui greentooth
    Happy Independence Day to all the US folk here, and to the rest of you - happy Wednesday! :)

    The new Challenge 55 is up! Hop on over and take a look at the new selections for this round!
  • Zerogun
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    Zerogun polycounter lvl 9
    This challenge is done but I had to finish up my piece at least. I think I need to bounce back and forth with my textures a bit. Now I'm on the lighting and it's slowly driving me crazy.

  • Roumonk
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    Roumonk polycounter lvl 3
    @Zerogun As for lighting - look into Lightmass settings in WorldSettings. Also it's a common problem, solved many times on Unreal Answers
  • Roumonk
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    Roumonk polycounter lvl 3
    I don't know if i will continue on this project, so this is what i have had a few weeks ago in Unreal Engine 4 (no textures, a lot of not corrected lightmap uvs) :
    Since I've planned to do details (vent grates, small lights) in material, it's not pictured at current time.
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