Looking for critiques to point me in the right direction. I am usually more into Environment modeling, but I want to learn more anatomy. The bandana is barely started as I want to perfect the shape before I get into detail. Any advice would be appreciated.

You might want to concentrate on physical forms for the time being and get into texturing a little later. The anatomy shapes are easier to see on a plane model.
I'm not expert, but I've done a litte editing of the profile with some real world reference i found on internet about the main problems i see.
I'll kind of list them , in case you dont understeand my guide lines.
You should do this kind of thinking process everytime you compare your work to references.
Hope this helps. Use tons of reference, from diferent angles. They will be your best friend in the learning process. If you can get a 3d human scan, they are super helpful. Keep it up! (and sorry for my english!)
Why you trying to start some West Coast rap beef again, breh?
One for front, one for side for the "Floor", but I have also been looking at many others. I can't quite find a perfect side view of him anywhere it seems. I have rotated the side as his head has a slight down tilt, but once I get one to feel right and rotate the model, the other seems way off.