Hey y'all, I applied for a jr production coordinator position at a game studio a few days ago. I've never been in the industry so I don't know how long I should expect to wait to hear back. Do studios generally move slow for lower level positions? How long should I wait before reaching out? Should I reach out at all?
Had a hard day at work and I'm having a hard time managing my expectations

Best of luck!
I would strongly advise looking around your area/state and see if there are any job fairs being held at schools, especially because these same studios usually send a representative to these events and conduct interviews up front.
As for wait times, from my experience, I actually did get a response the first day after I sent mass applications. Although some of them were just confirmation emails or they told me they weren't hiring right now. A real job position showed up 1 week later in which I spent a few days setting up an interview schedule.
I also got a response that came 6 months later, but the person asked if I could do a different job.
Judging by some of the speedy responses, there's no doubt people did take the time to look. But if I had a far stronger portfolio, the responses would turn more into actual interview requests.
Goes with the territory, when awaiting for a response after applying that might potentially be mind-blowingly awesome if successful which can be a tad wearing on the old nerves...anyway best of luck.
Also purely out of curiosity, what exactly does a role like "jr production coordinator" entail?
Basically the more junior you are the less they have pressure to deal with your application and the less attention you get.
I once got a positive response on a lead artist role after a year. That was funny
Best answer here is ... "it depends"
Personally though, I think any job that requires a 6 to 12 month que begins to fall into excessive territory.
We live in changing times where a job is necessary to not starve yourself to death, and the thought of going through a 1 year application with the odd chance a studio might drop interest half way though is a complete mental wreck on the nerves. I rather just be given a straight answer
that in 2 ~ 5 weeks time they found someone more capable.
It has nothing to do with patience, but with lack of alternatives. In the meantime I am also applying elsewhere, but my skill level seems to be too low to attract offers, making it hard to not play along.
A year?? Did they pick someone else and then changed their opinion or where they just building up a new team? In my case it's the second. Being a junior I am only going to be contacted once they have the other roles filled out - at least that's what they said a month ago.
All in all, it wouldn't be far off from what I do now as a production manager in a light manufacting environment. Just without back breaking labor and I'd get to see awesome artists at work.
stay strong dude!