Unfortunately, as far as I know, there's no perfect solution for this kind of situation due to how the CatmullClark smoothing algorithm works.
I suggest you start with a new cylinder with at least double the subdivisions of the current one (maybe even four times so). I see you already subdivided some areas in half: this is going to give you uneven results. Starting over with a higher resolution around the axis will give you a less apparent pinch by default plus it's always better to have an even resolution around the axis. Try to avoid subdividing it later.
dont fear triangles, in the end everything is triangulated in engine. Also if that part is something that won't animate then you have nothing to worry about
Yeah, when doing sub-d work on curved/rounded elements like this cylinder, it's always best to start with a LOT of edges. This will help support that sort of detail without pinching/smoothing artifacts
right now you've got 16 sided cylinder, try it with 48!
I suggest you start with a new cylinder with at least double the subdivisions of the current one (maybe even four times so).
I see you already subdivided some areas in half: this is going to give you uneven results.
Starting over with a higher resolution around the axis will give you a less apparent pinch by default plus it's always better to have an even resolution around the axis. Try to avoid subdividing it later.
right now you've got 16 sided cylinder, try it with 48!